Patricia Albers
Professor Emerita
American West Center
Subject Area:
Native American history, women in the American West

Elizabeth Archuleta
Professor (Lecturer)
Ethnic Studies
American West Center
Subject Area:
First generation and historically underrepresented students in high education

Subject Area:
Pacific Island Studies

Nicholas Backman
Research Associate
National Park Service Trails Project
American West Center
Subject Area:
Native American History, Environmental History

Matthew l. Basso
Associate Professor, Former AWC Director
American West Center
Subject Area:
Gender Studies, Military History

Subject Area:
Digital imaging, 3D modeling in photography

Cynthia Benally
Assistant Professor
Education, Culture & Society
American West Center
Subject Area:
Education policies, curriculum, and instruction of Native peoples and nations.

Brett Clark
Environmental Humanities Graduate Program
American West Center
Subject Area:
Policital economy of global environmental change

Subject Area:
Gender Studies, History of HIV in Utah

Danielle Endres
Director of Environmental Humanities Graduate Program
American West Center
Subject Area:
Environmental Studies, Indigenous American Rhetoric

Tori Fairbanks
Social Media Specialist
Oral History Transcriber
American West Center
Subject Area:
National Park Service, Black History in the American West, Intermountain Indian School

Subject Area:
Environmental History in the American West

Marie sarita Gaytan
Associate Professor
Gender Studies & Sociology
American West Center
Subject Area:
Gender, Race & Ethnic Studies, Latin American Studies

Subject Area:

Subject Area:

Kayla Kidd
American West Center Intern
American West Center
Subject Area:

Subject Area:
Latinx experience in the Midwest & Inter-Rocky Mountain Regions

Subject Area:
American cinema, history & culture

Subject Area:

Subject Area:
Feminist research methods, Advanced feminist theory

Paul Reeve
Professor, History
Simmons Chair of Mormon Studies
American West Center
Subject Area:
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saint history

Paisley Rekdal
Distinguished Professor
American West Center
Subject Area:

Subject Area:
Native and environmental history of the American West, public lands policy

Subject Area:

Katharine s. Walter
Assistant Professor
Internal Medicine
American West Center
Subject Area:
How Climate change affects pathogen transmission and epidemiological dynamics in the American West

Kronk Warner
Jefferson B. & Rita E. Fordham Presidential Dean, Professor
College of Law
American West Center
Subject Area:
Environmental & Native American Law

Connor Warner
Associate Professor (Clinical)
Associate Director of the Urban Institute for Teacher Education
American West Center
Subject Area:

Emma Webb
Research Fellow
American West Center and Spencer S. Eccles Health Science Library
American West Center
Subject Area:
American West history in the 19th and 20th centuries

Subject Area:
History of the American West

Subject Area:
Gender Studies, Policies that protect marginalized people